Empty Nest-ish - E11

We are so excited to have our friends...who also happen to be our neighbors (16 years and counting)...Jim and Ibby Gill on the show this week. Their episode really could be 3 - so much good insight and info. We’re sure listeners will relate to having... -A successful son who hasn’t left home -Another son who transferred colleges and -Retirement dreams insight. No text of the week this week because there was too much to talk about. #relationships #marriage #recreation #podcast #EmptyNesters #EmptyNesting #Lifeafterkidsleave #Transitiontoanemptynest #Parentingjourney #Reinventingourselves #Newchapterinlife #Emptynestchallenges #Findingpurpose #Rediscoveringhobbies #Relationshipafterkids #Self-discovery #Preparingforanemptynest #Reconnectingasacouple #Growingtogetherafterkidsleave #Familydynamicsafterkidsleave #Supportsystemsforemptynesters #Tipsforsuccessfulemptynesting

Empty Nest-ish - E11
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